some of the feedback we got:
Gésine Hackenberg:
Hello My Dears!
Forgot to tell you: Everything went fine in the end! The beautiful monsterbook is home now! It’s great!Groetjes van Amsterdam,
Gésine Hackenberg
Louise Hee Lindhardt:
Hey Andy Lim and crew
Thanks, its a fantastic book.
Louise Hee Lindhardt, Sweden
Behrens Millie:
Thank you for a really heavy book!!
Have a good summer
Yours ;
Behrens Millie, Norway
Hans Härtel:
Hallo Andy,
das Schwergewicht ist eingetroffen. Mal sehen, wann ich Zeit finde für länger darin zu stöbern. Auf den ersten Blick finde ich es toll und spannend. Vielen Dank und herzliche Grüße von Hans Härtel, Germany
joachim baur:
wertes team, lieber andy und susie
gratulation !!!
das compentium ist in graz angekommen. wirklich beachtlich eure wertvolle arbeit.
weil diese publikation so bemerkenswert geworden ist möchten wir gerne eine presseaussendung machen.
wir benötigen daher einige informationen zur
auflage der publikation
und wenn möglich einige daten rund um die produktion.
weiters benötigen wir einen pressetext.
bitte sendet uns diese informationen so rasch als möglich.
beste grüsse aus graz
und gratulation (hut ab!!)joachim baur, Graz, Austria
Laura Potter:
Hi Andy,
Thanks! Yes I have called them and they will deliver it when I am at home on Wednesday. For some reason they have no house number, but still have tried to deliver it?!! Anyway, I think it will be fine now.
Many thanks for letting me know, and congratulations on the book (I have seen it and am worried about my shelves).
Best wishes,Laura Potter, UK
Kadri Mälk:
Dear Andy,
this is now gone!
Today at 7 pm I will pass the books you kindly sent me to my team. At reastaurant KÖÖK, Pikk Street 42.
You are most welcome!
Thank you for your opera magnum.
With love,
Kadri Mälk, Tallinn, Estonia
Friederike Rohse:
Lieber Andy Lim!
1000 herzlichen Dank für die tollen Bücher!Das Projekt ist wirklich super gelungen.Du bekommst ja auch noch ein Schmuckstück für die Gestaltung der Seite!Leider fehlt bei mir der Name,ist aber dann zum Glück im Text zu finden.Viele,liebe Grüße von Friederike Rohse!
Paula Crespo:
Paula Crespo, Lissabon, Portugal
Iene Ambar:
hallo andy,
indeed, i have received the BIG book last week and…… !!! it is an amazing production.
Michael and I wish you the best of success with it and look forward to seeing how it goes with your more recent and current projects. Just last night we were thinking of you , at a chamber concert in Amsterdam given by our friend the flautist Abbe de Quant . We were talking afterwards to the cellist and mentioned your name and he knows you from about 10 years ago, his name is Mick Stirling, he was fascinated to hear about your bow project and would be happy to contact you, his address is tel 020 428 3947, mob 061548 2668. He is now Principal Cello in the Nederlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra.
So we wish you and Suzy all the best and thank you again.Iene and Michael
Iene Ambar, Amsterdam, NL
Carla Nuis:
Beste Andy,
Het boek (= understatement!) kwam vorige week in goede staat binnen. Bedankt, het is zeer mooi en indrukwekkend geworden! En ook bedankt voor de prettige samenwerking.
Vriendelijke groet,
CarlaCarla Nuis, Netherlands
Mirjam Norinder:
Hi Andy & friends
The Compendium has arrived. We are so happy about it and
like to thank you for all the effort and enthusiasm you put in this.
Superlatives from Stockholm, Mirjam
Mirjam Norinder, Stockholm, Sweden
Machteld van Joolingen:
Hi Andy,
what a project!!
It arrived safely thank you
good luck with you next projects!
best regards,
Machteld van Joolingen, NL
Susanne Klemm:
Yeahh and also arrived! Thank you and Suzy for all the good organization! Warm regards from Amsterdam,
SusanneSusanne Klemm, Amsterdam, NL
Sabine Steinhäusler:
Lieber Andy Lim
Vielen Dank für das gigantische Buch-Werk (für das ich wohl ein eigenes Bücherregal bauen werde…).
Ich finde es ist sehr gut gelungen und ich freue mich schon darauf, es in Ruhe (an langen Winterabenden) zu studieren.
Vielen Dank und herzliche Grüsse,
Sabine Steinhäusler, Germany
Beppe Kessler:
Andy, dank!!
het ziet er geweldig uit, zojuist opengemaakt.
wat een project!
nu misschien vakantie?
groet ook voor suzy
Beppe Kessler, Amsterdam, NL
Peter Hoogeboom:
Thank you very much Andy.
I can imagine those little books were a bit in the way…
It’s looks great, glad to have it here!
All best to you
Peter Hoogeboom, Amsterdam, NL
Bog-Ki Min:
sehr geehrter Andy Lim,
Ich bedanke Ihnen Alle ihre Mühe.
diese Projekt ist wahrscheinlich eine sehr lange und schwere Aufgabe.
Das war sehr nett zu mir, dass Sie für mich Lieferadresse geändert haben.
Danke noch mal.
Ich wusche Ihnen weiter viel Erfolg.Herzliche Grüsse
Bog-Ki Min, Pforzheim, Germany
Lena Olson:
Dear Andy,
It is great to have my nice copy of the „book“ in my hands. Thank you! I can imagine that it is a reliefe for you not to have to deal with all this anymore. The pictures said it all…
Good luck with your next project!
Best wishes,
Lena Olson, Sweden
Ana Albuquerque:
Dear Andy
The book arrived, thank ´s for your work, it is very nice and important.
Best regards
Ana Albuquerque, Portugal
Suzanne Otwell-Nègre:
what a lot of work that must have been ! I hope you are pleased with the results! and I hope that you enjoyed all the work it took – the books are great – thanks again!!
I am repeating myself but it really does help us feel that we are part of a big family!
best wishes from the south of Fance,
Suzanne Otwell-Nègre, Montpellier
Kelly Mccallum:
hello andy!
i just received the compendium, it is amazing!
i have some friends who might be interested in purchasing
a copy, where should they look to do so?
thanks so much
kellyKelly Mccallum, London
Johanna Dahm:
dear Andy
The Compendium has arrived ….. as you promised. Thanks.
What an unbelievable superlative job you and your team have done. Thanks again.
Sonja Pfingst-Bischof:
hallo andy and all darlings,
i´m very proud and happy to be a part of the amazing compendium,
thank you for your great vision and realisation.with best regards
Sonja Pfingst-Bischof, Düsseldorf, Germany
shamaprasad patwardhan:
hallo andy lim und mitarbeiter,
ich möchte mich sehr herzlich für die idee, die ausführung, zuverlässige bearbeitung usw. usw. des kompendiums bedanken. seit ich es habe, sehnlichst erwartet, ist es immer wieder zwischendurch ein quell der freude, des spaßes, der verwunderung usw. usw. ich bin sehr froh mitgemacht zu haben. was für eine fülle….
schade dass sie aufhören als verleger, beste grüße und nochmals vielen dank, renate schmidshamaprasad patwardhan:
vielen dank und herzlichen glueckwunsch an allen beteiligten vom lim buero
shamaprasad patwardhan/joshi
Maria Rosa Franzin:
Dear Andy , Dear Suzi
I have received the big parcel , SAVE !
Many thank for your perfect organization.
At the next and have a nice summer.
Maria Rosa Franzin, Italy
Rana Mikdashi:
This is to confirm the delivery of my copy.
Needless to say, I’m very content that I was part of this project.
you guys have done a great job.
Thank you.
Best regards,Rana Mikdashi, Beirut, Lebanon
Julia Maria Künnap:
Dear Suzi,
I got it on Monday!
What a brick!
(I have seen the book before, so it did no surprise me that much.)
There is reading and looking for more than just a few nights – wonderful thing!
Thank you very much for all that you and Andy did!
Julia Maria Künnap, Tallinn, Estonia
Ela Cindoruk:
Dear Andy,
And we received it today;) thank you very much for all your idea, work and efforts. It is a one huge wonderful work;)
Thank you again,
Hope to meet you in other projects, All my best & good luckEla Cindoruk, Istanbul, Turkey
Sezgin AKAN:
Dear Andy,
I`ve picked up my set from the post office today.
Such a BIG surprise! Thank you for all your efforts.
I do think that this publication will contribute to `The Contemporary Jewellery Design`s position in the World of Art and Design.
I`ve got two questions:
1. I`d like our Department of Industrial Design, METU Ankara – where I am currently teaching `Jewellery Beyond Tradition` courses,
to get a copy of this publication. How do we proceed?
2. For my future reference: In my first page the texts under the images are blurred. What should have been done to avoid this?
All the Best,Sezgin AKAN, Ankara, Turkey
Fabienne Vuilleumier:
Thanks for this marvelous story…..
best regards,Fabienne Vuilleumier, Switzerland
Claudia Geiger:
WOW !!!!
Super Leistung,
ich denke Du hast hier ein Jahrhundertwerk für Schmuckkünstler geschaffen.
Beeindruckend, nachhaltig !
Beste Wünsche + GrüßeClaudia
Claudia Geiger, Pforzheim, Germany
Joanne Zwart:
It looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Thank you for the effort of creating this great book!
Joanne Zwart, Netherlands
Katrin Arp:
Dear Andy Lim!
Thank you very much for this great piece of work!
It is overwhelming, intriguing, impressing, provoking, inspiring…..and so much more I don´t find words for.
I guess, this will be my fellow – my new room mate and my workshop baby (actually babies, one for each arm) – for the rest of my life.
I feel honoured to be part of it.
Thank you for the idea, the work, the patience, the strengh and your love for jewellery.
Katrin Arp, Hamburg, Germany
Alberto Zorzi:
Dear Andy Lim,
ho ricevuto il libro compendium. Ti ringrazio molto.
Complimenti un lavoro straordinario!!!
Grazie mille per la collaborazione, spero che un giorno avremmo modo di conoscerci.
Un Saluto particolare
Alberto Zorzi, Italy
Paula Crespo:
Dear Andy Lim,
My books have just arrived. CONGRATULATIONS! I don’t know how you did it !!! but you did a very good work. I’m going to need a lot of time to discover it, but it will be a fascinating adventure!
Thank you so much.
All the best,
Paula Crespo, Lissabon, Portugal
Ketli Tiitsar:
Dear Andy and Suzy,
Thank you very much, I received the grand book! You have done amazing work!
Thank you very much, I think i will need several months to work through all of it!
I hope you will have decent vacation this summer!
Lots of good weather and all the best!
With all the best,
Ketli Tiitsar, Tallinn, Estonia
Evelyn Vanderloock:
Great Work!
Thank you very much and kind regards
Evelyn Vanderloock, Hamburg, Germany
Pawel Kaczynski:
Hi Andy,
Thank you for album! Good job!
Best regards,
Pawel Kaczynski, Poland
Klaus Läuger:
Hallo andy, heiss ersehnt und erwartet, habe ich schon ausgiebig in dem Buch geblättert. es ist großartig und auch sehr gewichtig. ich danke dir für die phantastische idee, so ein buch zu verlegen und die energie, das auch noch durchzuhalten. wenn ich mal nach köln komme, denke ich an deine einladung, mal vorbei zu schauen. und wenn du mal nach konstanz kommst, bitte sei ebenfalls herzlich eingeladen.
viele grüsse klaus
Konstanz, Germany
Susanne Schmitt:
: )
Susanne Schmitt,
Bruce Metcalf:
Hi Andy,
I received my copy of the Jewelry Compendium in good condition. I put the two volumes side-by-side on my office table, where I can browse through them whenever I like. They are quite an experience. I’m finding that it’s difficult to be very casual, since the absence of facing pages on any one jeweler means I have to remember what was on the previous page for the next one to make sense. You’re demanding that I be attentive!
Anyway, congratulations on your wonderful book.
Peter Chang:
Dear Andy and Suzy,
Many congratulations on the ‘Compendium’, what an achievement!! It already a stunning collector’s item! Loved your bit at the back, wonder who the ‘very important designer’ is – could he live in Amsterdam?????
How has the response been outside the contributors in terms of interest and most importantly – sales?
I tried to phone yesterday and left a message but suddenly thought you must both be off somewhere for a restful break and which I’m sure you must both really need!
Any way. If you do ever come to Scotland and thus to Glasgow, you would both be most warmly welcomed.
Warmest wishes and thanks from Peter and myself.
Barbara xxxPeter Chang and Barbara, Glasgow, Scotland
Nayme Fülber:
dear andy and team,
merc1 much for this wonderfull great book.
i got it last week and you maked me very very happy.
thank you for your respectly great job
yours trulynayme
Nayme Fülber, Cologne, Germany
Gottlinde Singer
Lieber Herr Lim,
vielen Dank, das Compendium ist bereits angekommen und man kann sich richtig festschauen darin.
Liebe Grüße
Gottlinde Singer, Weilheim, Germany
Jan Matthesius & Pauline Barendse
Dear Andy,
Last week the 13.5 kilo book arived.
Our compliments about the result!
We are very happy with this book. It’s a book for the long, long quiet evenings (which we hardly have…)
So, it will take a few weeks, months to read this Monument.
Thank you for all the energy you put into this remarkable book.
Kind regards,
Jan Matthesius & Pauline Barendse, Netherlands
Michaela Köppl und Günter Block:
Hallo Andy,
Wir haben das mit Spannung erwartete „Superwerk“ Schmuck-Kompendium endlich in Händen! – Es ist genialer geworden als wir erhofft konnten!
Wir sind froh, mit dabei zu sein, trotz vieler zweifelnder Stimmen im Vorfeld der Entstehung.
Wir wollen Dir und Deinen Mitarbeitern herzlich danken, für den wohl gewaltigen persönlichen Einsatz dieses Werk zu verwirklichen.
Danke noch einmal für Dein gewagtes geniales Projekt. Wir sind in dem handwerklich super gemachten Buch wie wild am Blättern und Entdecken von Schmuck, Grafik und Gestaltung …
Allein die aufgezeigten vielfältigsten Seitengestaltungen machen dieses Buch-Kunst-Werk zu einer Fundgrube für Grafikdesigner.
Es wäre jetzt natürlich schön, noch mehr von Dir weiter zu hören, in Kontakt zu bleiben!
Alles Gute und viele liebe Grüße nach Köln
Michaela Köppl und Günter Block,
Geltendorf / Walleshausen, Germany
Ugne Blazyte:
I recieved your big nice book. Thanks a lot, it’s really nice project!!! congratulation to all your team!!!
good luck
Ugne Blazyte, Lithuania
Margit Tabel-Gerster:
Lieber Andy,
das Jahrhundertwerk ist angekommen! Ich bin restlos begeistert! Ganz herzlichen Dank für alles! Ich wäre sehr glücklich, wenn ich weiter über Deine außergewöhnlichen Projekte informiert werden würde, was immer auch als nächstes kommt (leider ja kein Schmuck mehr).
In Bewunderung und Verehrung
Margit Tabel-Gerster, Hamburg, Germany
Esther Bott:
Vielen Dank…..Paket ist angekommen….es ist ein sehr schöner Katalog geworden!!!!
Macht großen Spaß darin zu blättern und die Obekte zu entdecken……
Viele Grüße
Esther Bott
Eure Susanne Elstner:
Ich möchte mich ganz herzlich bei Euch bedanken für das sensationelle Buch. Bin gegeistert von der Qualität. Vielen Dank und ich werde viel Spaß haben mit dem „Zeitfresser“.
Eure Susanne Elstner
Lina Peetz:
Hallo Andy Lim,
das Buch ist toll geworden! Es ist überaus interessant und erfreulich darin zu blättern.
Lina Peetz
Suzanne Otwell Nègre:
I was so very happy to receive the Compendium – the delivery man came the only day I was there – destiny!! The books are really wonderful and I am so happy to be part of it all! I now have a great source of energy for continuing my work – it makes me realize that I am part of a great international family. Thanks for all the hard work and organization you put in! It was all worth it!
Suzanne Otwell Nègre, Montpellier, France
Thomas Dierks:
Hallo Andy,
Paket ist angekommen!
imposante Publikation! WOW! Echtes Schwergewicht.
Thomas Dierks
Stomfai Krisztina:
Thank You!
Stomfai Krisztina
volker atrops:
hallo andy
dein buch ist ein heidenspass
hatte schon recht unterhalsamme kaffekränzen
und rotweinabende mit collegen, unbeteiligten und den schmöckern
für ein printprodukt ist es recht nah am internet masse, klasse, murks alles dabei
danke dir für dein engagement
grüße volker atrops, Germany
rinaldo alvarez:
Dear Andy:
The book has just arrived.
It’s a masterpiece. I’ll enjoy it this days, and forever. Thanks lot for your work.
Warm regards:
r i n a l d o a l v a r e z, Spain
estela saez:
thank you andi!!!
looks fantastic!
this is a great piece of art!best wishes from holland
estela saez
Didi Nixdorf:
ich habe mein Buch am Mittwoch bekommen und ich bin so begeistert.
Die besten Wünsche an Euch
Didi Nixdorf, Pforzheim, Germany
Satoshi Nakamura:
Sehr geerhter Herr Andy Lim,
jetzt habe ich viel Spaß mit dem Buch!!
Kompliment für Ihre große Arbeit!!!
Mit vielen Grüßen, Satoshi Nakamura
Claudia Silveira Oliveira:
Hallo Andy and Suzy,
The Compendium has arrived and it looks superb!
Best regards,
Claudia Silveira Oliveira, Amsterdam, NLklara li:
ist bei mir eingetroffen, lieber andy und alle helferInnen, ich bin total begeistert von diesem werk !
vielen vielen dank!!
allerbeste grüsse aus berlin
klara li, Berlin, GermanyPe Giers:
Great! Thank you verrrrry much. The books are beautifull !
Best regards.
Pe Giers, GermanyJulia Stotz:
Hei thanks a lot.Its a wonderful BOOOOOK
Julia Stotz, GermanyIris Goldmann:
Hi Andi,
just got it….well-done! It great to see what is going on in jewellery!
Iris Goldmann, Germanykathleen hennemann:
hallo andy lim,
hier ist die kathleen hennemann,
ich habe diese monumentale sammlung von schmuckern,
was gar die anmutung eines brockhauses hat,
gestern bekommen.
das machwerk ist super,
und man merkt, dass viel aufwand und arbeit drin steckt.
herzlichen dank für die mühe, wobei es sicher stunden gab
die nicht so angenehm waren.
ich weiß es wertzuschätzen.
mit warmen grüßen
von der waterkant,
kathleen hennemann, HamburgJürgen Eickhoff:
Lieber Andy Lim,
vielen Dank für das Buch. Es ist heil angekommen und schnell auch. Es ist schon sehr imposant! Etwas scxhade finde ich die Seitenaufteilung, dass ein Künstler nicht die nebeneinander liegenden Seiten hat. Das würde ein besseres und einheitlicheres Bild abgeben und es dem aussenstehenden Betrachter erleichtern mit der vielen Information zurande zu kommen.
Liebe Grüße
GALERIE SPEKTRUM, MünchenIris Bodemer:
Liebe Suzy, lieber Andy
Heute ist das Compendium endlich angekommen und ich freue mich auf die vielen Stunden einer Entdeckungsreise ! Vielen Dank !
Ich hoffe bei euch ist alles gut und ihr könnt euch jetzt entspannt zurücklehnen.
Eleonora hat mir sehr glücklich und beeindruckt von eurem Treffen berichtet, ich finde es Klasse wieviel Zeit und Energie ihr Menschen entgegenbringt !
Seid herzlich umarmt – IRIS
Iris Bodemer, Pforzheim, GermanyMarijke de Goey:
Dear Andy,
We received the Compendium this week. Thank you – and your team – for all your efforts! I have never seen such a wonderful book. I will call Winnie Sorgdrager to tell her she is pictured in such a lovely book.
Wishing you all the best
Warm greetings,
Atelier Marijke de Goey, Amsterdam, NLBety K. Majernikova:
Dear Andy Lim
I just received compendium
It is wonderful!
Thank you very much for the idea
and realization.
Greetings from Bratislava
Bety K. MajernikovaI got mine yesterday. It looks absolutely great! Thank you that I could be a
part of this project.
Mari Keto, DanmarkSamantha Font-Sala:
and now it is here on the corner…!
mir ist fast übel gewornen beim anschauen.
overdosis schmcuk oder einfach zu viele schlechte schmuck – das ist die frage!
bye bye bis zum naschtes mal
(war cool auf die buhne, auf die messe, als du an anruf bekamm!)
alles gut
Samantha Font-Sala, ErfurtJivan Astfalck:
All arrived well – very impressive!
Did you hear from my university (Birmingham City University) with regards to ordering one Compendium? If not I think I need to chase it up…
kind regards and best wishes
Jivan Astfalck, Birmingham, UKRia Lins:
The Compendium arrived. He’s so beautifull!
It will take me some time to enjoy all of it.
Thank you
Ria Lins, BelgiumSABINE KLARNER:
SABINE KLARNER, germanyBeate Eismann:
Beate Eismann, Halle, GermanyDon Friedlich:
It got the package today. If Karl Frisch’s book is the „baby brick“ these two volumes must be the „mother brick“ and „father brick.“ I’m looking forward to spending the next year or two paging through it.
On first blush, it looks great.
Don Friedlich, Madison, USAjörg biedermann:
dear Andy,
thank you
it is much more than i expected
about 500-1000 years lifetime… may be more
and your care was very agreeable
i wish you real good luck for your further productions
best regardsSIGN710
jörg biedermann, Aachen, GermanyEva Hahn:
Mein Exemplar ist gut angekommen und ich freue mich sehr!
1000 dank nochmal! War ja eine riesen Arbeit…
Schöne Grüße,
Eva Hahn, Düsseldorf, GermanyEla Cindoruk:
Dear Andy,
And we received it today;) thank you very much for all your idea, work and efforts. It is a one huge wonderful work;)
Thank you again,
Hope to meet you in other projects, All my best & good luck
Ela CindorukMasako Hamaguchi:
Hello Andy,
Just wanted to let you know that my book(s) have arrived today! Thank you very much – I’ve only seen just a fraction of the content, it’ll give me hours and hours of pleasure. Such a wonderful concept. Congratulations
Best wishes
Masako Hamaguchi, UKBeate Frick:
Lieber Andy Lim,
gestern habe ich das Compendium bekommen.
Welch ein Universum.
Darin zu blättern macht richtig Spaß!
Vielen Dank für Deine tolle Arbeit.
Herzliche Grüße
Beate Frick, GermanyNevin ARIG:
Hi Andy,
The books sont arrived, I would like to thank you for great (and very heavy) work, it is very good idea and very nice designers I have a chance to know now.
Thanks again to you and your team and your dog 🙂
Best regards.
Nevin ARIG, BelgiumSusanne Boger:
The messiah arrived in Amsterdam!
Nothing will ever be the same!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart(seriously).
You ve created an oompaloompa experience for me,
Susanne BogerMichael Becker
Liebe Suzy, lieber Andy,
heute kam Euer Buch – vielen Dank.
Habe jetzt zwei Stunden darin geblättert…
Herzliche Grüße,
MichaelMichael Becker, München
Daniel Kruger:
Lieber Andy,
Das Buch habe ich heute bekommen und es ist wunderbar. Sehr schön gebunden in der schöne Schober mit die rafinierte rauszieh Mechanismus. Ich bin auch sehr positiv überrascht wie der so vielfältige und unterschiedliche Inhalt zusammen geht. Nun, ich bin erst durch ein 1/4 des ersten Bandes gekommen, freue mich auf den Rest. Großen Lob und Dank für der Iniziative und Durchführung.
Liebe grüße aus Berlin (ich würde mich freuen euch hier zu sehen)
Daniel Kruger, Berlin / Halle, GermanySofia Björkman:
Thanks Andy!
It´s fantastic! I got it today,
Nice summer!Sofia Björkman, Stockholm, Sweden
Tanvi Kant:
Many, many thanks for all your extremely hard work for this amazing
compendium. Its better than I imagined it to be! Its beautiful.
I hope all who were involved in this incredible project feel very proud and
and are thrilled with the final outcome.
Very best wishes,
TanviTanvi Kant, UK
Georg Dobler:
hallo andy lim,
seit 2 tagen sitze ich mit dem buch am küchentisch, einfach wunderbar..
nochmals danke.
georg dobler will damit sagen das packet ist angekommen.
herzlichen gruss, georgGeorg Dobler, Berlin / Hildesheim
Lucy Sarneel:
Beste Andy,
Ik heb het compendium gisteren ontvangen en ben er erg blij mee! Fantastisch dat dit grote boekwerk voor zoiets „kleins“ als sieraden is gelukt. Bij deze gefeliciteerd!
Met hartelijke groet van Lucy SarneelLucy Sarneel, Amsterdam
Elgin Fischer:
Hallo Suzy,
wie ihr schon gemerkt habt: Habe es am Do nicht zur Druckerei geschafft, dafür am Dienstag. Die Compendien habe ich wohlbehalten abgeholt, sie stehen jetzt bei uns im Atelier. Falko kann seins gerne abholen, wenn er aus dem Urlaub zurück ist (könntest Du ihm das bitte mitteilen, ich habe immer noch keinen Mail-Adresse von ihm – auch daß er besser kurz vorher anruft). Hoffe, ihr hattet einen netten Nachmittag mit all denen, die am Donnerstag zur Druckerei gekommen sind.
An dieser Stelle, da ich es persönlich nicht ausrichten konnte, euch beiden vielen Dank für eure Arbeit, die dieses, nun ja, da fehlen mir die Worte, umfassende – reicht nicht -, wahnsinnige, spannende BUCH ermöglicht haben!
Viele Grüße,
ElginElgin Fischer, Köln
Ulrike Ortwein:
Hi Andy,
das COMPENDIUM ist gestern bei mir eingetroffen! Nochmals Dank für die Organisation der perfekten Logistik!!! Und nun heißt es: schauen, lesen, staunen, wundern… Ich freue mich darauf und grüße Dich aus Halle.
Beate Eismann, Halle, GermanyThanks a lot, it’s more than a book!
Ulrike Ortwein GermanyRobean Visschers:
Beste andy,
Het boek is binnen. Ik ben er erg blij mee. Super mooi!!!!!!!
Gr RobeanRobean Visschers, Den Haag, NL
Birgit Daamen:
I’ve just got the books and really they are WONDERFULL!!!!
Thank you so much for bringing it into the world!Birgit Daamen, Haarlem, NL
Andrea Wagner:
Hi Andy and your beloved Suzy or
Hi Suzy and your hopefully! 😉 beloved Andy,Today is a good day.
The postman rang (once only, I was thankfully in).
I schlepped the heavy box up 3 flights of stairs.
Happily my groceries often seem heavier, so that was good too.
My aim is to look at each page, so till now I got into the Bs of the 100+ jewelers.
Then curious I skipped to the ‚Making of‘ and had quite a few chuckles and head shaking!
Hopefully I never ever think of myself or react as did those X, Y, Z examples!!
With more time now than I had at the presentation at SCHMUCK I can savor it properly.
The binding is beautifully executed with the little nudge out panels and underlying rubbery stoppers to prevent uncontrolled and premature slipping out of the bricks. I very much like the organized chaos and actually find it less chaotic than people feared it would be.Amazing that you managed it all is such a short time. Pat yourselves on the back for this maybe ‚unnecessary‘ compendium because, isn’t it the ‚unnecessary‘ things in life that are the most pleasurable?
Thank you for a great initiative and standing steadfast even in the blasting of those overly important people whose egos who couldn’t re-mold your concept.
Even though you’re probably totally fed up with jewelers at this point, I do hope to see you again at some jewelry event or other!Warm greetings from Amsterdam,
Andrea Wagner, Amsterdam, NLAstrid Niggeloh:
Lieber Andy Lim,
die Bücher sind heute bei mir eingetroffen und sie sind überwältigend, in jeder Hinsicht.
Vielen Dank und viele Grüße
Astrid Niggeloh, Köln, GermanyHans Appenzeller:
Hi Andy,
Just received the book(s)!
Very impressive!!!
Looks absolutely stunning.
Congratulations!!!regards from
Hans Appenzeller, AmsterdamSigurd Bronger:
Dear Andy
Book arrived safely and perfeckt in Oslo. Really great book. verry interesting.
Thanks and hope to meet you some time.
Sigurd BrongerPaola Bernasconi:
I received the „Compendium“, and proud to be on bord – I wanted to share some 1rsts impressions
Only one year ago, in my diploma paper, I was wandering about how to disenclose (?) the small world of contemporary jewellers…
Your project then, simply appealled to me at first because of its innovative politics…
In the book there are some very good presentations, some very good works;
then pages wich the works I do not subscribe to,
and pages where self conceit outstands just as the weakness it is – precisely because presented between eclectic choice –
But in the whole : a place 4 all!
Surely a step torward this new direction
( Also been enjoyin the „gossip“ chapter at the end of vol.2)
But in the whole, this new direction is a big challenge, – because pretentious & elitist behaviour has nothing to do with quality of work-
But then how & who can one really specify what’s a cntemporary jewel of quality?With my best regards
Paola BernasconiPS. You write that most of the jewellers are german or dutch (because of the languages issued)…
and this -trought true in number- grieve me a little…because we (Swiss)(& in spite of works of quality..) seem to somehow lack the promoting „cultural space“ german and duth have been able to give themselves in this field…Biba Schutz-
we needed to carry the box into the building and up the stairs ourselves
worth the wait and the carrying
it will take me many weeks to explore the book
what an amazing project
thank you for doing the work
and is there an exhibition to follow !!!!!!!!!!!
thank you again
the book arrived in perfect condition
good packing and good design for the presentation for so many jewelers
thank you againbest regards
Biba Schutz, New York, USAKathleen Browne –
I got the Compendium today! It looks fantastic-what a job. It will take me a year to get through it. Thanks for all of your hard work.
Kathleen Browne, Ohio, USA
Sarah Abramson –
I wanted to write to express my gratitude for all of the hard work you and your team put into the Compendium. I received mine in the mail this week and I am far beyond impressed! What an incredible achievement- I am so proud to be a part of it. Thank you so much for making this dream a reality. I know that it took your blood, sweat and tears to get it finished.
Sarah Abramson, New York, USA
Kara Hamilton –
Kara Hamilton, New York, USA
Julia Turner –
I received it, it’s in perfect condition and I’m so enjoying it! Thank you so much for your work!
Julia Turner, USA
Felieke van der Leest –
Hoi Andy & Suzy,
Yesterday evening the Compendium arrived here in the house !
(Unfortunately I will have to wait to study it closely until the end of June.
We are going of to the airport.)
It is a unbelievable masterpiece and so great to see such very, very interesting and differnet works and grafic designs !
I thought I knew many collegues but there are so many, many more.
Thank you very much for this adventureFelieke van der Leest , Netherlands / Norway
Rachelle Thiewes –
The book is beautiful! just received.
Rachelle Thiewes, USA
Nanette Nel and Carine Terreblanche –
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Compendium Finale.
It was a wonderful project and the final result is quite spectacular.
We are thinking of buying the Compendium Finale for the University library, do you have any copies left?
Can you quote us on one copy (please including the postage)?
Kind Regards
Nanette and CarineNanette Nel and Carine Terreblanche
Creative Jewellery Design and Metal Techniques Division
Department of Visual Arts
Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602
Universiteit Stellenbosch University
South Africa
Efharis Alepedis –
Dear Andy,
I got my books today! Thank you!. They are extremely heavy. Efharis
Can I order another book for my sister? She lives in Greece. Let me know at your earliest convenience.
Thanks, Efharis, USA
jörg biedermann –
dear andy,
vielen dank für die wohlwollende, lang andauernde, und nach intensität riechende arbeit.
ich freue mich, teil einer puplikation zu werden, die in ihrer komplexität wohl ihresgleichen suchen muß im schmuckdesignbereich.
ich bin sehr gespannt auf unser produkt.
vielen dank
jörg biedermann
aachenfabian blaser –
Hallo Andy
Ist hier etwas schief gelaufen, denn ich habe das buch noch nicht erhalten. Immerhin konnte ich es bei essor schon einsehen und möchte dir hirmit auch dazu gratulieren es ist hammer!!!
Bitte gib mir rasch möglichst ein feetback
Gruss aus biel fabian
fabian blaser
oro verde
ring 11
2502 biel/bienne, SwitzerlandFabrice Schaefer –
Dear Andy,
Thank you very so much for this beautiful catalogue, it was a crazy project and you managed to do it.
Well done!
Best regards,
Fabrice Schaefer
Galerie TACTILe8,
place du Grand-Mézel
1204 Genève
SwitzerlandTatjana Panyoczki
Far out Andy Lim, what a back breaking beauty. The most beautiful book I have seen and I’m in it.
Thank you for your enthusiasm and your „subversive“ way of showing what contemporary jewellery is.
A totally fantastic experience showing this colossal work, friends can’t believe their eyes.
Truly unbelievable…
I hope in the meantime my „token“ has reached you.
Thanks againAll the best
Tatjana Panyoczki, Kaiwaka. New Zealand
Danuta Uhlig-
Dear Andy,
After having collected my copy of the compendium at IHM in Munich and dragged it home I immersed myself in it and am now an addict!
I just have to let you know how very happy I am to be in possession (and part) of such an extraordinary oeuvre. I am not that interested in my own pages (I know them by heart…) but in all the others‘ and in the book as a whole. It is astonishing and extraordinary how well everybody corresponds with his or her immediate „neighbours“ in the book. E.g. the young lady who precedes me has a collection of about 20 – 25 rings on her second page. On my first page there are 5 rings. It looks as if these two pages had been specially designed to harmonise and so does the whole book. As is we were all links of a very long chain. It being all just alphabetical coincidence makes it all the more astonishing.
After having met you and your lovely wife Suzie at IHM personally (at the JAC-stall, with Erico Nagai, and when collecting the book) the Compendium has changed from something abstract into something very personal to me. It’s great to know the people who are behind such an outstanding project and I would like to thank you very dearly for it and for your dedication to it. Of course my thanks have to be extended to Suzie who so patiently and swiftly answered all the e-mails and all the questions even the dumbest ones.
There is now just one thing I would like to ask you. I’m burning to know whose pages have been designed by you. Could or would you name some of the jewellers for whom the layout has been designed by you, or is it confidential? It would be just so interesting to see your approach and the way you work.
It would also be nice to have some information from you now and then to be able to follow your future projects.
I wish you and Suzie all the best and good luck for whatever is next on your agenda.
With many thanks for your great work and kind regardsDanuta Uhlig, Munich
teresa lane –
hi andy,
i received the book! for 2 weeks i left my parcel unopened, like a christmas present under the tree, just waiting there for me, the expectation building..
and just now, i have put on some early evening jazz and opened my present and it is truly, truly amazing! so mmuch talent, so much creativity in one package, and such a statement that it exists!
thank you! i am so grateful to have been part of it.
best wishes to you!
teresa lane Brunswick, Australia
Valeria Siemelink:
Dear Andy, Suzy,
I was in Schmuck and visited your stand during the presentation of the Compendium. The books are just wonderful and I am glad that we participated with an essay. It is great insight og international contemporary jewellery and it has been wonderful that so many artists from Latin America had rhe chance to participate in the project. Thank you for your effort and congratulations for the success. If you are ever interested to present it at the American Bookstore in Amsterdam, let me know. Suzy, nice to meet you. Andy, I hope to have the chance to meet you some other time.
Kind greetings,
Valeria Siemelink, OTRO DISENO, Netherlands
Nanna Melland
dear Andy and Suzy,
I just arrived „home“
Cold cold snowy Norway,
WITH the biggest book ever, that I transported in my borrowed samsonite as hand luggage…
Actually, when I was so stupid (but luckily not the only one..) that I didn’t say I wanted it shipped,
I thought,
well thats it!
Its part of the game, the effort, the strain, the schock of the size of one book,
I’ll bring it home, and I will NOT ship it (as a matter of fact, I did not have time to do it, and to give that tassk to somebody else, seemed like a coward)
I’ve looked through,
and I’m amazed!
You really managed! Just looking at it, in its amazing box, lying 14 kilo heavy on my table,
I think, man that’s just unbeliavable!
I’m happy I took part,
I’m happy that there excist people like you, who start and pull through projects like this.
Hey I know you said this would be the last project, but honestly I can’t wait to your next!Best wishes
Nanna Melland, NorwayDiana Dudek-
Hallo Andy!
Nochmals vielen Dank für dieses MONSTERBUCH! Es ist wirklich ein gelungenes Projekt.
Herzliche Grüße,Diana Dudek, München
Marcel van Kan
Hello darlings,
the book looks great!
Congratulations again.
Enjoy this moment. You deserved a holiday now!
Soon I will come to visit you again and to pick up my books!
Cheers,Marcel van Kan, Netherlands
Anne Berk –
Beste Andy,
Je ei is gelegd! Heel veel succes vandaag!!!
Anne Berk, Amsterdamulrich reithofer-
hey andy,
das buch ist der oberwahnsinn; hab seit tagen nichts anderes mehr gesehen!!
besser noch als der aelteste whiskey!! danke fuer den aufwand,
viel erfolgundvergnuegen
kuess mir die liebste und den darling,
u.Ulrich Reithofer, Amsterdam
Christina Langes –
Lieber Herr Lim,
das Buch konnte ich mir ja erst ,nachdem ich 14 kg nach Hause gewuchtet habe, anschauen – ich möchte Ihnen noch schnell gratulieren! Das Buch ist höchst amüsant, funktionell und informativ geworden – die Werkstatt wird Jahre darin schmökern können.
Lieben Dank und herzliche Grüße
Christina Langes, MünchenKarl fritsch-
the c is unbelievable , it is a mad idea that came to a unbelievable/unforseeable result that is unexpectedly fascinating to look at.
thank you dr. lim for you enthusiasm in heavy entertainment,
you show us mercyless the multifacetted face of the unexploited legendary but widely undiscovered wold of contemporary jewelry .Karl Fritsch, München, Germany
Reip Chopin-
Dear Andy,
My name is Reip Chopin. I just received the book, you issued. I am very impressed by the highest quality and quantity of work. The same can be said of the books‘ size and weigh. Thank you very much.
I presume that Jerusalem academy of arts, „Bezalel“, as well as Tel Aviv institute of design, „Schenkar“ may be interested to have a book like that. The director of jewellery department at Bezalel heard about the book from me (it was pretty hard to show it) and is qurious about the price including postage for the organizations like mentioned above.
Thank you again, looking forward to you reply
Best regards,
Reip Chopin, IsraelYoon:
Dear Andy & Suzy,
Thanks for your all efforts to make the amazing book.
I received it yesterday and was so happy to be a part of it.
Thanks again.
YOON, Seoul, S-KoreaWarwick Freeman-
Dear Andy
I am pleased to report the safe arrival in good condition of the Jewellery Compendium at the far end of the Earth .
Congratulations on successfully creating this prodigious global project.
Its had a short rest after its long journey but now I’m looking forward to exploring its many pages this Easter.
Best wishesWarwick
Warwick Freeman, Auckland, New Zealand
Peter Deckers-
Hi Andy,
Books arrived yesterday, many thanks, what a huge project that was!!!
Great crazy book, with clashes of pages to lick your fingers with.Met vriendelijke groet,
PeterPeter Deckers, New Zealand
Jane Dodd-
Dear Andy
I have received my compendium finale of contemporary jewellery. It is absolutely fantastic – I think you are a genius.
Thank you for your work on this project.
Thanks again
Jane Dodd
New ZealandMahrokh Beck-
Lieber Andy, wollte nur mal ganz vorsichtig fragen wann Sie glauben ,dass der Compendium bei mir in München ankommt. Ich habe die zwei Bände bei einer Freundin gesehen und war begeistert dass Sie es geschafft haben die vielen Goldschmieden unter einem Dach zu bringen. Bravo, und Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu den beiden Bänden, und vielen Dank für die Geduld. Ihre Mahrokh Beck
Mahrokh Beck, München, Germany
Belinda Newick-
Dear Andy
Thank you so much I just received my copy of the wonderful Compendium.
Congratulations it’s a beautiful compilation and I feel so happy and honoured to be included and involved in such an exciting, global collection of jewellers.
Many thanks
Warm regards
Belinda Newick, AustraliaDear Andy: Just to say thank you ever so much. My book arrived yesteday april 13. I had to bring it home on a taxi. It was clumsy even so.
I liked my page and comparing favorably with so much company but I will also enjoy for a long time reviewing it all. My friends and students will too. I already feel inspired by so many beautiful and creative approaches.
Thank you once more to you and all involved in such an ambitious and generous project. Say hello to your dog (wish I knew his name)
Laura de Alba, New Mexico, USAElfrun Lach-
Dear Andy,
The BOOK arrived yesterday, at long last!
Anyway, congratulations! It looks great and I’m proud to be part of it.
I look forward to ‘The Making of the Compendium’. Please tell the whole story and name names! I’m sure it will be a bestseller!
Kind regards
Elfrun Lach, AustraliaBirgit Laken
Hallo Andy en Suzy.
Dit mailtje had ik eigenlijk gisteravond willen sturen, maar ik wilde eerst even wat nakijken in het compendium.
Dat even werd weer eens vele uren en toen ik op mijn horloge keek was het alweer twee uur in de nacht, de tijd was gevlogen en nog had ik lang niet alles gezien!. Ik raakte maar niet uitgekeken, elke keer was ik weer verbaasd, verrast, geschokt of moest ik lachen! Wat al die ontwerpers allemaal bedenken en hoe zij die bladzijden hebben vormgegeven!
Kortom, wat een geweldig boek!
Wat een prestatie van jullie om dit in goede banen te leiden!
Wat een initiatief!
Dit is even mijn eerste reactie, mede om jullie te complimenteren en te bedanken!
En ik vind het heel leuk dat ik het al heb en dat vele anderen nog even geduld moeten hebben!
Lieve groet, Birgit.Haarlem, NLJane Millard-
Dear Andy
I just wanted to let you know that I have received my compendium today! It is absolutely FANTASTIC – it is even more amazing than I thought it would be. I want to thank-you so very much for designing my page (I love it) I think you have done an incredible job and I am so please I had the opportunity to be involved in the project.
I will be sending you a token of my appreciation – for all the hard work and endless hours.
Thank-you once again –
Kind RegardsJane
Jane Millard, Australia
Rob Koudijs, Ward Schrijver-
Dag Andy,
Hebben de Pasen met het Compendium doorgebracht – licht spierpijn in m’n ‚omsla-arm‘ overgehouden. . . .
Het is echt een pracht-uitgave geworden; & buitengewoon verwarrend om zo veel, zo divers werk bij elkaar te zien. We zijn er nog lang niet klaar mee!Rob Koudijs and Ward Schrijver, Amsterdam
Magalí Anidjar-
Dear ANDY and TEAM at Darling Publications,
I am SOOOOO HAPPY, yesterday I went to the central post office to pick up MY COPY of the Compendium!
To be able to see so many people doing incredible stuff from all over the world, to see some friends from here and there, and to be able to read and to realized that we are a community after all.
Contemporary Jewelry
ARGENTINAFabiana Gadano-
Andy, the „Red Moby Dick“ is just wonderful !!
Thank you so much and congratulations.
… es una fiesta…
gracias, fabiana gadano, ArgentinaMarina Molinelli Wells-
The book is superb! amazing, paper, print, content…its a treasury!
congratulations for the result of your project
it´s a very interesting way to know and „meet“ a lot of interesting thoughts, pieces, people.
i´m very happy to have participated in this trip!Marina Molinelli Wells, Argentina
viviana carriquiry-
hi andy!
I got it!!!
the book is amaizinggggg!!!!!!
Congratulations and thanks!!!
regards viviana
viviana carriquiry, ArgentinaKarol Weisslechner-
Ahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooj aus Bratislava. Nun die Zeit leuft wie in Windeseile, also erst jezt komme ich dazu zu sagen DAS WERK IST IMPOSANT……………………………
Es ware fuer die Studenten des Studienganges S+M+L_XL-Schmuck und Metall und aber auch fuer alle anderen ein Groses Tor in die Welt der Schmuckgestalter. Das meinige habe ich gleich nach dem ich nachahuse kam den Studenten fuer einige Tage zu verfugung gegeben im Schulatelier und sie bletertetn unetwegt… Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ist es, das Buch ist doch noch immer noch ein Faszinierendes Objekt der begierde……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Mit Grus Karol Weisslechner……….Karol Weisslechner, bratislava
Marie-José Hoeboer-
Hello Andy, I received the books! They look wonderful, must admit I have not yet had the time to
to see all:-) They stand here on the table waiting for me. Thank you very much for the tremendous piece of work and organisation. Are you still OK.?
P.S.Can you give me the adress where I can send a little something from my studio?With love, Marie-José Hoeboer, Ibiza Spain
Chong Ryol, Kim-
Dear Andy Lim,
Early April, I received safely the wonderful jewelry book, and thank you so much for your kind assistance for allowing myself and other Korean artists to participate in the compendium book. I am very honored to participate in the Compendium at this time.
Meanwhile, please let me know if you have any other plans for the artisits who have attended the Compendium in the near future.
Kind regards. Chong Ryol Kim, koreaLori Hawke-Ramin-
Hi Andy,
I wanted to thank you for all your hard work and back and forth with e-mails. Your books are beautiful and I am honored to have pages in the Compendium with all the people whose work I have loved. While in Munich I bought Karl and Lisa’s books as well. It was so nice to meet you for a quick moment at the book pick up table. I always get a bit shy at these awesome events. So thank-you again and please keep making these incredible works of art.
All my love,
Lori Hawke-Ramin, USA