Publisher of Exceptional Books on Contemporary Art & Musical Instruments from the Violin Family and their Bows
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The Darling Ivory Project Part III – The Great Bowmakers from the 21th Century: 18 exceptional Contemporary bows with Ivory mountings
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News and Gossip -The Archive
Publications on Contemporary Art
2013-Linda Nadji-Edition 20/50: Tellertanz
2010-T. Palme-Size does matter II-Austrian Edition
2010-Claus Rottenbacher-Great Kids Vol I
2010-Claus Rottenbacher-Great Kids leporello Paderborner Fototage
2010-Boris Becker-Fakes
2010-Andre Wagner-Twilight Views
2009-T. Palme-Size Does Matter I
2009-Rottenbacher, Susanne-beginning to see the light
2009-Lisa Walker -Unwearable II
2009-Andy Lim-The Compendium Finale of Contemporary Jewellers
2009 Katja Prins The Uncanny Valley
2009-Fabrizio Tridenti-Hard Wear Beauty
2009-Body Politics-Political Objects
2008-T. Palme-leporello
2008-Lisa Walker -Unwearable
2008-Karl Fritsch -7 Todsünden
2007-T. Palme-Episode Nanz
2007-Anja Sanne -Ambivalenz der Venus
2007-T. Palme-Hase und Vase
2007-Stepank&Maslin-Skyviews II
2007-Karl Fritsch -Conger Conger
2007-Karl Fritsch-Baby Brick
2007-Joachim Elzmann-Mikado
2007-Gary Carsley-Draquerrotypes
2007-Divna Omaljev-Particules
2007-Eleonora Grigiotti-comme fosse sale
2007- Arne Rautenberg – v e r m e e r e n
2006-T. Palme-Liebesgedichte
2006-T. Palme-Yoga
2006-Stepanek & Maslin-Skyviews
2006-Mitsy Groenendijk-Monkeys
2006-Karl Fritsch-Metrosideros Robusta
2006-Christopher Monk-Faustus IV
2006-Christopher Monk-Goethe hatte doch recht
2005-T. Palme-The Brick Appendix
2004-T. Palme-The Brick
2004-Kunst zu Texten V Palmer / Haze
2004-Kunst zu Texten IV Wilbur / Molthoff
2004-Kunst zu Texten III-Brôcan-Vogel
2004-Kunst zu Texten II-Shields-Moser
2004-Kunst zu Texten I-Rautenberg-Emch
2004-Hella Berent-Caeruleus + Caerula
2003-T. Palme-Nachlass
Publications on Musical Instruments
The Darling Ivory Project Part III-2021
Exceptional German Bows of the Violin Family from the 19th and 21st Century
Some images from the German 19th century bows
The Bows of Nikolai Kittel
The Production of the „Library Edition“
The Production of the „De Luxe Edition“
The Great Contemporary Bow Makers of the 21st Century – Vol One
List of the bowmakers from Vol I
Examples of the pages
The Great Contemporary Bow makers of the 21st Century – Vol Two
List of the bowmakers from Vol II
Examples of the pages
Nicolas Gilles – The VSA Quartetts 2004-2006-2008-2010
Nikolai Kittel – Violoncello, 1833. St. Petersburg
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century: Eugène Nicolas Sartory (1871-1946) – Vol. One
The 2012 Cuvée Darling Mondomusica Cremona Exhibition
39 Violoncellos of the Dutch National Music Instruments Foundation
The printing
The 2013 Cuvée Darling Palazzo Trecchi Cremona Exhibition
The bookbinding
The 2015 Cuvée Darling San Vitale Cremona Exhibition
The 2015 Leporello: Ludwig Bausch+Heinrich Knopf
The 2015 Leporello: 18 Ivory mounted bows from 17th-20th Century
The 2015 Leporello: 18 exceptional Contemporary Ivory mounted bows Century
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century: Eugène Nicolas Sartory (1871-1946) – Vol. Two
The 2016 Cuvée Darling Splendor Amsterdam + Uilenburger Synagogue Exhibition
The Yoldi-Moldenhauer 1714 Stradivari Violin Monography
The Making of The Yoldi-Moldenhauer Monography
The Tartini-Vogelweith 1711 Stradivari Violin Monography
The Emil Hermann Collection-Vol 1 + 2
Some samples of the pages:
The Printing
15 Exceptional Contemporary Micro-Photo Lens Violoncello Bows
Examples of the pages
Other Publications
2004-Kunst zu Texten I Rautenberg / Emch
2004-Kunst zu Texten II Shields / Moser
2004-Kunst zu Texten III Brôcan / Vogel
2004-Kunst zu Texten IV Wilbur / Molthoff
2004-Kunst zu Texten V Palmer / Haze
2009-Dr. Christoph Halfmann-Albert Dietrich
DARLING (x)XXL Publications
The Yoldi-Moldenhauer 1714 Stradivari Violin Monography
The Yoldi – Moldenhauer Stradivari Violin, 1714
The book prototype
The Printing
Phase One Video trailer
The Tartini-Vogelweith 1711 Stradivari Violin Monography
The Compendium Finale of Contemporary Jewellers – 2009
Exceptional German Bows of the Violin Family from the 19th and 21st Century
Images of the 19th Century bows
15 Exceptional Contemporary Micro-Photo Lens Violoncello Bows
Images Micro Photo Violoncello bows
Nikolai Kittel – Violoncello, Saint-Petersburg, 1833
The front and back of the Nikolai Kittel violoncello
The Presentation in Cremona 2011
The Printing and Production of Nikolai Kittel – A Violoncello, Saint-Petersburg, 1833
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century: Eugène Nicolas Sartory (1871-1946) – Vol. One
Images of some Sartory violin bows
The Great Contemporary Bow Makers of the 21st Century, Vol. One and Two
Bow makers who were included in Vol. I
Bow makers who were included in Vol. II
Prefaces of Volume One by Andy Lim and some Bow Makers
Prefaces of Volume Two by Andy Lim and some Bow Makers
Vol One-Examples of the pages
Vol Two-Examples of the pages
Paul Hindemith – Im Kampf mit dem Berge (1921, as Paul Merano)
Staatstheater Darmstadt, Soli Fan Tutti: „ohne zu wissen warum …“
Michael Veit-Violoncello, 6 World Premieres from 1992-2005
Rainer Moog, Viola – „Amadeus?“ W. A. Mozart 250th Anniversary 2-CD set-historical archive recordings
Daniel Shafran – Live in Concert and Rehearsel at the Hall of Mirrors of the Castle of Meersburg, 1989
Memorable Events
Cuvée Darling 2016 – Amsterdam
Cuvée Darling 2016 Amsterdam – The 1st International Darling Bow Making Competition
The 2014 Stradivari Exhibition and Book Presentation at Palazzo Trecchi, Cremona 2014
The making of … – The First Visit to Copenhagen
The making of … – The Photography of the Yoldi-Moldenhauer
The making of … – The Page Proofs, The Printing, The Embossing and mounting
The exhibitors
Some visitors
The 2013 Cuvée Darling Exhibition at Palazzo Trecchi in Cremona
Images: The Arriving and Preparation days
Images: First day evening, The Reception
Images: Second day: The exhibition
Images of The Second Day Evening: The 100 Pizza Palazzo Party
Images: The Open Air Concert by Duo Sweet 17
Images: The Vanja Smiljanic Art Performance
Images: The 2013 Darling Publications Awards
Images from Isabel Guegan from ERGUÉ-GABÉRIC (France)
Impressions and photos from Siegfried & Felix Rivinius
Impressions and photos from Itzel Avila from Toronto
Visit to Moskau-Glinka Museum / State Collection: for Kittel bows
The 2012 Cuvée Darling Exhibition at Mondomusica in Cremona
The Book Presentation of The Great Contemporary Bow Makers of the 21st Century-Vol. One – Cremona, 2011
The Book Presentation of Grünke, Gabriel, Chin & Lim -„The Bows of Nikolai Kittel“ in Cremona, 2011
The Book Presentation of Boris Becker – FAKES in Cologne, 2009
The Book Presentation of: Exeptional German Bows of the 19th and 21st Century, Vol. One-Cremona, 2009
The Book Presentation of Paul Kennedy – „The End of the Day“ in Munich, 2009
The printing session in Cologne 2009
Book release Munich 2009
The historical Andersen-Grandchamp-Gabriel bowmaker´s meeting in Munich, 2009
Andersen-Grandchamp in Cologne 2009
Images of the Andersen-Grandchamp-Gabriel bowmaker´s meeting in Munich, 2009
The 2014 Darling Book Presentation Exhibition at Palazzo Trecchi in Cremona
The Book Presentation of The Compendium Finale of Contemporary Jewellers in Munich, 2009
How it began …
The concept
The list of the 1044 participants from the 2009 Compendium
Some feedback we got
The making of …
Some reactions …
Some links
The Book Presentation of Lisa Walker – „Unwearable“ in Munich, 2008
Book release Munich 2009
The Book Presentation of Karl Fritsch – Metrosideros Robusta in New York, 2007
The book release party at the Salon 94-Freemans Gallery, New York
The Book Presentation of Joachim Elzmann-Mikado, Düsseldorf 2007
Finissage and book presentation Düsseldorf
The Book Presentation of Karl Fritsch – Metrosideros Robusta in Munich, 2007
The Munich Presentation
The Book Publication Project Announcement – The Great Contemporary Bow Makers of the 21st Century, Paris 2006
The Paris 2006 Book Publication Project Announcement – The Great Contemporary Bow Makers of the 21st Century
The 2006 Cremona Book Publication Project Announcement – The Great Contemporary Bow Makers of the 21st Century
Future Projects
The Darling Ivory Project Part I – The Great Bowmakers from the 21th Century: 18 exceptional Contemporary bows with Ivory mountings
The Darling Ivory Project Part II
The Compendium Finale of Yet Unknown Contemporary Artists
The Concept
The Great Contemporary Bow makers of the 21st Century Vol. Three
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century: 114 exceptional Children´s Violin Bows Leporello
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century: The Berlin Makers Leporello
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century: Eugène Nicolas Sartory (1871-1946) – Vol. Two
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century: Ludwig Bausch + Heinrich Knopf
The Great Bowmakers from the 18th, 19th + 20th Century: Bows with Ivory Mountings
The Great Bowmakers from the 19th and 20th Century: The Adam Family – Vol. One
Nikolai Kittel – Addendum, Visit to Moskau-Glinka Museum / State Collection: for Kittel bows in Russia
The 1st Darling International Bow Making Competition-Amsterdam 2016
The CONCEPT and RULES for the 1st Darling International Bow Making Competition Amsterdam 2016
The RULES for the Playing Jury of the 1st Darling International Bow Making Competition Amsterdam 2016
The JUDGES of the 1st Darling International Bow Making Competition
THE RESULTS-The Workmanship Awards
The RESULTS – The DARLING Players Awards also known as The $$$$-Awards !
THE RESULTS – The Special Prizes by different Sponsors
The List of Participants of the Playability Competition
The List of Participants of the Workmanship Competition
Criticism concerning the Integrity of the Judging Procedure of the 1st Darling Bow Making Competition.
The Strad Magazine, July 2016: Postcard from Amsterdam
The Violin Channel, 8 May 2016: Amsterdam Extravaganza
EU Data Protection Statement
Suche nach:
2006-Christopher Monk-Faustus IV
An edition of 20 copies.
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