THE RESULTS-The Workmanship Awards

Ceremony Andy

The Award Ceremony, 7 May 2016, The Uilenburger Synagogue, Amsterdam

 The Winners of the 15 Grand Prix Awards


-The Workmanship Awards-

Each maker could send in maximum 2 bows, either for violin, viola or cello, and so can earn maximum 2 awards from each jury member. Each bow can earn theoretically in total even 5 Awards from 5 different Judges if the maker is not one of the 5 Jurors. As a Juror one can not vote for his own bows and has so 20% less chance on getting a award, as he can theoretically only can get maximum 4 Awards per bow.

The 15 Grand Prix Awards (the enviable trophies of exceptional good taste generated jealous glances !) are each accompanied by a set of hard metal chisel & drill of exceptional quality for violin, viola or cello, in its custom made 1st Darling Competition Wooden Box. Generously sponsored by our (and especially the bow makers!) friends Paulus Bowparts from Rottenbach, Germany.



Thanks to Helmut, Andreas and Carolin Paulus!

The rules for the Workmanship Jury:


The Judges



Bernd Etzler



Robert Morrow



Tibor Kovács



Eric Fournier



Pierre Nehr

   bow nr.    bow nr.    bow nr.    bow nr.    bow nr.
winning violin bow 64 FOURNIER 64 FOURNIER 25 BEGIN 25 BEGIN 60 ETZLER
winning viola bow 65 FOURNIER 65 FOURNIER 45 FRITSCH 61 ETZLER 58 KOWALSKI
winning cello bow 26 KOVACS 24 BEGIN 48 AUMONT 26 KOVACS 59 KOWALSKI

Alexandre Aumont

Aumont balcony

– The Tibor Kovacs-Grand Prix for Cello Bow:

The Darling Publications Blue Cello Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

Aumont Grand Prix

Aumont found already a place for his trophy on top of the display case.

Emmanuel Bégin 


– The Tibor Kovacs-Grand Prix for Violin Bow:

The Darling Publications Red Violin Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

– The Eric Fournier-Grand Prix for Violin Bow:

The Darling Publications Red Violin Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

– The Robert Morrow-Grand Prix for Cello Bow:

The Darling Publications Blue Cello Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

Bernd Etzler 

etzler preis

– The Eric Fournier-Grand Prix for Viola Bow:

The Darling Publications Green Viola Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

The Pierre Nehr-Grand Prix for Violin Bow:

The Darling Publications Red Violin Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill


Tropies arrived safely in Gód. (Hungary)

Eric Fournier


The Robert Morrow-Grand Prix for Violin Bow:

The Darling Publications Red Violin Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

The Bernd Etzler-Grand Prix for Violin Bow:

The Darling Publications Red Violin Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

The Robert Morrow-Grand Prix for Viola Bow:

The Darling Publications Green Viola Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

The Bernd Etzler-Grand Prix for Viola Bow:

The Darling Publications Green Viola Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill


Top winner with 4 (!) Awards.


Perfect to decorate the 4 corners of the bench.

Boris Fritsch


– The Tibor Kovacs-Grand Prix for Viola Bow:

The Darling Publications Green Viola Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

Tibor Kovacs

kovacs judge

The Eric Fournier-Grand Prix for Cello Bow:

The Darling Publications Blue Cello Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill

The Bernd Etzler-Grand Prix for Cello BowÖ

The Darling Publications Blue Cello Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drill


Cody Kowalski


The Pierre Nehr-Grand Prix for Viola Bow:

The Darling Publications Green Viola Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drillIMG_0323

The Pierre Nehr-Grand Prix for Cello Bow:

The Darling Publications Blue Cello Grand Prix Trophy

& The Paulus Bowparts Set of chisel / drillIMG_0321